A conversation based on partnership about a topic relevant to the client. In coaching sessions, I assist clients in listening to their own thoughts, viewing themselves from a new perspective, consciously considering their aspirations, creatively uncovering solutions to their inquiries, and seeking motivation for taking action. 

  Coaching is a powerful tool for unlocking personal potential. A key element of coaching sessions is building a safe and trusting relationship between the client and the coach. 

  Only when there is no fear of judgment, but space for acceptance and free sharing, can change begin. Confidence grows when one can share thoughts, fears, and beliefs openly, allowing us to see things from a new perspective.
  There is no advice or sharing of my experience here, as all the answers are up to the client. All you need is a little help to discover them.

   Individual work with managers to analyse specific work situations when working with a team, improving performance or preparing for team change. 

  It often happens that managers know how to deal with a situation, but find it difficult to accept the final decision. At the same time, when analysing situations, I draw on my personal experience of many years of leadership in different organisations, ask additional questions to help me assess the situation from different angles, anticipate possible scenarios and make the most appropriate decision, while understanding and assessing the possible consequences and outcomes. Mentoring sessions not only provide clarity for action, but also build confidence in assessing the possible scenarios.

  We can't be 100% prepared for all situations, but having a Plan B helps to reduce the stress and it is easier to move towards solutions.

  The aim of the mentoring sessions is to find concrete solutions through examples of good practice and to draw up your own action plan.

  Training and competency development for middle managers based on the needs and objectives of the company or management team. 

  As the organisation grows rapidly, many professionals are promoted to team or divisional managers, who are very good professionals with a good knowledge of their field, a high level of responsibility and commitment to the company's well-being, but who do not have any direct managerial experience, and sometimes no theoretical knowledge either.

  As managers, they face new and unfamiliar challenges and make common leadership mistakes in communicating with the team, prioritising, delegating and ensuring the smooth achievement of team results. All this can be avoided if sufficient attention is paid to ensuring the basic competences of a manager (people management) (recruitment, induction, performance management, feedback, problem/conflict solving, creating a microclimate, delivering results, etc).

  Continuous investment in training and personal growth sessions (coaching) for middle managers allows us to bring together managers who have a clear understanding of how to keep their teams engaged and achieve the company's goals together.

  It can be a basic 3-4 part series to develop the core functions and competences of a manager.

  As well as single-topic seminars (1.5-2 hours). Specific training topics and durations are negotiated individually according to the company's needs.

Key themes *:

  • Managerial competences (recruitment, induction, goal setting, performance management, delegation, motivation, conflict resolution, feedback, etc.), 
  • Educational leadership
  • Change management
  • Time management
  • Employee wellbeing
  • and other topics.

* The scope, time and price of the training are agreed individually after a needs analysis.


Online or in-person session (according to agreement) duration 1 hour.
All prices without VAT.

  • 1 session price - 150 Eur.
  • 3 sessions package - 400 Eur.
  • 5 session package - 620 Eur.


Online or in-person session (according to agreement) duration 1 hour.
All prices without VAT.

  • 1 sesijos kaina – 100 eur.
  • 3 sesijų paketas – 270 eur.
  • 5 sesijų paketas – 400 eur.

  We all have limiting beliefs and fears that are difficult to dispel on our own.
The coach acts as a dynamic mirror that helps you see and reflect your beliefs. And once you see them, you can decide what you want to do with them. 
  Change happens where the focus is, and the focus in coaching is always on the person and their potential.