Individual work with managers to analyse specific work situations when working with a team, improving performance or preparing for team change. 

  It often happens that managers know how to deal with a situation, but find it difficult to accept the final decision. At the same time, when analysing situations, I draw on my personal experience of many years of leadership in different organisations, ask additional questions to help me assess the situation from different angles, anticipate possible scenarios and make the most appropriate decision, while understanding and assessing the possible consequences and outcomes. Mentoring sessions not only provide clarity for action, but also build confidence in assessing the possible scenarios.

  We can't be 100% prepared for all situations, but having a Plan B helps to reduce the stress and it is easier to move towards solutions.

  The aim of the mentoring sessions is to find concrete solutions through examples of good practice and to draw up your own action plan.


Online or in-person session (according to agreement) duration 1 hour.
All prices shown without VAT.

  • 1 session price - 150 Eur.
  • 3 sessions package - 400 Eur.
  • 5 session package - 620 Eur.