Coaching – 
more space for a free mind

Coaching - is a partnership-based, thought-provoking and creative process with the client that inspires them to maximise their individual and professional potential."


"I can't help but smile and feel grateful when I think of Brigita. Our coaching and training sessions help me grow as a manager, as a leader and as a person. Every time I close the door of a session, I feel much more courageous and have grown up a lot. At the same time, I take away from each session a greater hunger and desire to do more."

Algina Bedulskė

„Brigitos išskirtiniai koučingo įgūdžiai turėjo didelę įtaką mano asmeniniam ir profesiniam tobulėjimui, jie pakeitė mano supratimą apie karjerą ir pastūmėjo mane efektyviau siekti savo užsibrėžtų tikslų. Jos taikomos praktikos padėjo geriau įsigilinti į savo norus, emocijas ir baimes. Minčių išsigryninimas suteikė galios geriau valdyti savo karjeros kelią su aiškiais tikslais ir kryptim. Esu labai dėkinga dėl savo transformacijos ir jos kasdienės pagalbos tikslingai judėti savo svajonės link.”

Meida Locaitytė

„Brigita’s coaching sessions have been instrumental in making me understand the significance of reflecting outside my comfort zone. With each interaction, I am uncovering a new layer of myself, with Brigita expertly nudging me towards profound „Eureka” moments. Her mastery in facilitating these reflections makes every session a journey of self-discovery that I eagerly anticipate.”

Hariharan Kamaraj

"Thank you for a highly effective experience, assisting me in overcoming barriers and gaining new perspectives. Brigitte's professionalism is evident in her insightful understanding of my unique requirements. Her coaching techniques have helped me define my goals, progress, and boost self-assurance. Thanks to her, I felt secure and could express myself openly during the session.".”

Greta Mierevičiūtė

"Brigita is an empathetic and strong coach. She maintains consultation structure well, guiding clients smoothly even when distracted and bringing them back to the original question if they wander. I used to believe only a psychologist could help me delve deeper into myself, but Brigitte has changed my mind completely!"

Augustė Rekašiūtė